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Marble Front Apartments

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Stains & Spots

Stains and Spots - How to Guide

Juice – Red or purple juice can be removed from carpeting by sprinkling salt on the stain as soon as possible. The salt will absorb the liquid forming a paste that can be easily scraped up.
Magic Marker – Hairspray will remove marker from hard surfaces and some fabrics. Some permanent markers are just that…permanent. Some may fade with repeated washings.
Motor Grease/Motor Oil – Scrape off as much of the grease as possible, on clothing, rub lard or Vaseline into the stain then launder as usual. The lard or Vaseline may ruin some fabrics, for more delicate items; try a spot stain remover instead.
Nail Polish – Acetone will remove this from most fabrics but synthetic fibers (ex. Polyester) will dissolve with acetone use. Check the label of your clothing before using acetone. If you spill nail polish on a wood surface, do NOT wipe it up while it is still wet, doing so will remove the color from the wood. Wait until the polish is dry and then scrape it off gently with a credit card.
Oil – Cover oil stains on fabric with talcum powder, then cover with a paper towel and hot iron the fabric. Launder as usual.
Pencil Marks – Believe it or not, fresh rye bread can remove pencil marks from non-washable wallpaper.
Red Wine – Use a dab of shaving cream (the kind in the can) to remove red wine stains from carpeting. To remove a wine stain from clothing, soak the fabric in boiling milk.
Sweat – Sweat stains in clothing can be removed by soaking in warm water and vinegar.
Tar – Use an ice cube to freeze the tar and then scrape off with a plastic spatula.
Wax (This method works for Crayon marks too!) – Place a piece of facial tissue over the stain and hot iron on top. The wax will melt into the tissue and away from your fabric. This method will also work with wax that is spilled on carpet but a brown paper bag should be used instead of the tissue. Wax can be removed from hard floors by using a hair dryer and paper towels to absorb the wax once it melts.
Urine – Use a high concentration of dish detergent and water immediately on stain. If on clothing, wash immediately.
One thing to keep in mind, if a stain makes its way through the laundry without any pre-treatment, you’re pretty much stuck. Heat, hot water and dryer cycles, will set a stain.

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Caldwell, ID, United States
Section 42 Tax Credit. Affordable Housing. Close to shopping, Schools and Parks. Handicap accessible units available. E.O.H.